Crochet Design for Beginners

Though crochet patterns continued its presence over two centuries, it has become a rage in recent times. And it is the right time for you to fine-tune your crochet skills and bring out various popular crochet patterns.

If you are exposed to some type of stitching earlier, then you may find crochet little easy to understand. Otherwise it is better to start with the basics first and move to more complicated designs later.

You can learn the popular designs by enrolling yourself in a class or even by watching the various fashion shows that are telecast in television. Normally the upcoming fashions are first brought out in fashion shows before the actual designs hitting the market. Alternately, you can learn new designs either from books or videos also.

When you are trying your hands on the basics, it is better to try out single colour patterns first such as wash cloth. After successfully learning the basics, you can move on to more complex designs and multicoloured patterns.

In the following lines you will be learning few of the basics involved in crochet:

A Slipknot is one of the widely used basic crochet patterns. For making the slipknot you need not use any needle or hook at all. You will be able to make the slipknots with your fingers and moving the yarn ball over your fingers and hands.

One of the many challenges in crochet patterns is switching from one color to the next. You can stop with the first colour, and then slowly slip a different color thread into the needle.

Mixing is an another basic technique, which you can achieve using 2 needles and with two colours of threads. In this you need to crisscross the needles over one another to achieve the multicoloured design.

Purl Stitch is another technique involved in crochet patterns. Though, the technique involved is similar to mixing, in purl stitch, while one needle hold the yarn, you will be using other needle to yarn your way inside and use both needles to create a pattern then.

Cross-stitching and switching colours are the most challenging tasks that demand your concerted efforts in any crochet project. While switching colours, you can stop the first colour then start with the next colour slowly slipping the colour yarn into the existing needle. When you are comfortable with switching colours, then you can slowly try your hands on other challenging and difficult patterns to show your talents in crocheting.

Crochet patterns can be done literally on any thing and hence, it is always preferred to draw your patterns first on a paper and study the design carefully. Initially, you can work on few common household articles, and then switch over to other patterns so as to have an well-experienced knowledge in crochet.

Any book or video can only give few designs, but you can bring out attractive designs or patterns through your creative thoughts and imagination. For achieving success in crochet, your should be prepared to bestow your time and energy and you will be sure of coming out successful in crocheting.


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