Crochet Color Pattern Preference

The colour choice for crochet differs from season to season. For example, light colour crochets rule during the Summer and Spring seasons, where as dark colours are preferred during Fall and Winter seasons.

During these months, people also look for some new designs or patterns such as coasters for glasses or curtains that may adorn their houses. This behaviour of the mass has in fact driven the crocheting industry to invent new designs, patterns and unique materials.

Any new designs are being brought out for the young and as well as for those who are young at heart. For example, a floral pattern over the back pocket of any jean, or long sleeved top with a flower at the back or a different coloured double stitch on the handbag – all these are sure to attract the young and old alike.

There are many designs that you can get from magazines and the internet. By using a little imagination and looking around, you can bring out unique designs with varied shapes and sizes and in various breathtaking hues.

First and foremost point to remember is that crochet is not meant for women folk alone. There are plenty of patterns that are worn by children and adult men. Crochet can be made as a complimentary design over any existing shirt or jacket as people are very fond of establishing their individuality. Most men like to have crochet pattern over their gloves or hats and women like crochet patterns over their scarves, capes and coats.

Making crochet pattern will be easy provided you know little bit of knitting and cross-stitching in advance. In the event your prior exposure to knitting, you have to procure only the tools such as yarn and hooks to start your crochet project.

It is always better for you to draw the pattern first on paper and choose your yarn based on your layout. Always start with the simple pattern first and move on to more complex designs later once you are confident enough to handle the patterns.

Further, while buying the yarn you have apply your knowledge – for example any yarn that is heavier will have better expandability.You can get nice patterns along with detailed instructions from a good book or even from internet.

Alternately, you can find them even from exclusive shops meant for crochet.Your initial success in bringing out crochet patterns will take time and your concerted efforts, practice and creative imagination are sure to shower its benefits upon you. And soon, you will receive all the deserving accolades from your friendly neighbours and relatives.

Another rule of thumb is that you need not rely on new patterns every time. There are certain good old patterns that still find good demand in the market and you can concentrate on such patterns when you do not have any new patterns at your hand.


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