Know about Crochet Scarf

Crochet is an ideal, fulfilling and useful craft. You can use crochet for making wonderful accessories such as hats, socks and scarves that can be shared with your friends and relatives. The best choice amongst the accessories is the simple scarf.

A scarf is a long and narrow piece of textile worn by women over the head or around the neck. The scarf, besides giving warmth, also helps the hair covered and protected form dust. No need to mention that the scarves serve as a fashion statement.

In many countries, knitted and crocheted scarves find a ready market, especially with young ladies. There are many people who ventured into manufacturing scarves and it will be better idea to make one for yourself. If you make your own scarf, then you can make according to your taste and preference.

At this point, if you want to know more about crochet, read on:

How Crochet came into existence?

There are many theories and one of them believed that in earlier days nuns used to make sewing duties with their fingers. Crochet is also claimed to be a ritual in certain parts South America. Though there are more speculations, the original origin could not established at all.

Crochet was believed to be a status symbol in 16th century. Women from high society learned the crocheting skills and only in early 18th century the public were made to access crochet.This craft started becoming a hobby and was seen practiced by women in their houses.

The art was also passed on to the younger generations and turned out be a passion for people of all ages and from all walks of life.Learning crochet is easy and all what you need are yarns, hooks, needles and your positive attitude. You should learn the basics first and get accustomed with terminologies used such as abbreviations and instructions. To start with, learning to crochet a scarf is the best idea.

How to get Great Scarf Patterns?

Scarf pattern is one of the simplest and easiest one, which can be tried by you initially. You can search for scarf patterns either in the internet or in local stores that offer various scarf patterns. Some web sites offer instructions book with patterns for a small payment and you can get it delivered at your doorstep. The alternate option is to go in for the e-book. Within minutes you can get the desired pattern and start your work.

You can first get the pattern printed on a paper and start your work with all the necessary materials at your hand. You can also join discussion groups and forums to meet other people who are into crocheting. You can use this forum for exchanging tips and even for trading the patterns.


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