Simple Basic Crochet Patterns

In today’s world, crochet is no more a hobby meant exclusively for aged women. It has become so popular that people from all walks of life and of all ages have taken up crocheting. Anybody who has got interest, inclination and patience can take up crochet and come out successful.

You can make use of the crocheted Afghan covers in a variety of ways such as bedspreads, blankets, mattress cover, and as a shawl. The unique pattern in any Afghan cover will immediately enhance the aesthetic appeal in your house, be it your living area or your bedroom.

You can find people giving away Afghans as gifts during birthdays and holiday season, because of the artistic values and usefulness that are always attached to any afghan cover. For example, if you receive or give during Christmas, afghan covers can help to tide over the chill winter. A personalized baby afghan blankets can also become a family heirloom.

You may find simple as well as complex Afghan crochet patterns and you can decide on one based on your preference and your expertise in crocheting. You can choose a simple afghan pattern and put together as many numbers of granny squares that are necessary to make it a blanket. On the other hand, you may even choose complex afghan patterns and start putting few geometric shapes and other advanced crochet stitches.

You can look for various afghan patterns in the resourceful web sites, books and other popular magazines. Normally, all these media bring out complimentary crochet afghan patterns with complete set of instructions starting from what type of yarn and hook should be used for the project. They also provide useful tips that may be made use by you to decide on the type of yarns.

Any successful afghan pattern depends on how you use your creativity and your energy in bringing out the unique design. You need not always stick to the laid down instructions and you are free to deviate based on your judgement and this may help you to be unique in your endeavour.

You can easily create an afghan based crochet pattern. For example, you may choose a theme and create a floral design coupled with the national flag. Otherwise, you can create a stained glass design and make it as a part in your pillowcases or coffee table doily project. Many of the crocheters prefer the classic stripe pattern for its appealing feature.

Many mothers learn crochet and pass it on to their daughters to keep the tradition. You can also see grandmothers' appreciation tilting towards their grand daughters who know crochet especially afghan patterns. Such is the power of any afghan pattern.

Afghans are ideally suited for the beginners as it helps in learning the basics of crocheting. Besides the possessive aspect that is attached to any Afghans, they make excellent gifts.


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