Tips on Free Filet Crochet Patterns

One of the interesting patterns in crocheting is the File Crochet. You can either get free filet crochet patterns or buy them from various sources.

Filet crochet patterns use a good combination of the usual chains of loops along with the addition of meshes or “closed slabs or blocks.” The basic foundation of any filet crochet lies in the number of meshes or blocks contained in the first row.

The common way of starting filet crochet is to start from the ninth chain of the first row from the hook. Any filet crochet will basically have two individual colours. The first one is the “open mesh” that is made up of one double crochet, with 2-3 empty spaces, and a final double crochet. The other one is the “solid mesh” which has 3 or 4 “double crochet” stitches in the form of a square.

In any filet crochet the last stitch of the mesh, be it an open mesh or solid mesh, will become the primary stitch of the next mesh. When you are in the making of a filet crochet, you should take into consideration the pattern very much as any filet crochet pattern is an aggregation of open and solid meshes.

In today’s crochet market, finding a good filet crochet pattern is easy and you need not spend much of your time. Further, your search for any good filet crochets patterns in internet can also shower you with many patterns that too free of any charge.

A word of caution. All free filet crochet patterns are not made alike. There may be few unexpected disadvantages and hence you should be in a position to look for the best filet crochet patterns.

Here is a list of few tips that you can use in choosing your free filet crochet patterns:

Do Your Homework

Before deciding on your free filet crochet pattern, do a little homework. Do some research and decide on the filet crochet pattern that may suit many people in all aspects. Once you decide on your free filet crochet pattern, then look for them and decide on the design such as colours and other related information.

There are some filet crochet patterns that you may find difficult to crochet with. So, you should decide on the pattern after giving due importance to the factors that contribute in making the filet crochet.

Learn the Language

Before any filet crochet project, it is better that you understand all the related instructions and abbreviations. Majority of the filet crochet patterns comes with abbreviations and free filet crochet patterns are no exception.

So, in the event of your ignorance in understanding the abbreviations, you may find the entire project difficult. Further, for want of clarification or proper understanding you will be wasting your precious time in searching for the suitable meaning and eventually the project might get delayed or in worst case it may even be abandoned.

So in order to facilitate the process, learn to read abbreviations and understand them.

Beware of the Crochet Gauge

Any filet crochet pattern has to be evaluated with a crochet gauge. Any discrepancy or variation in measurement can eventually spoil the entire project without even giving you a chance for rectification.

Hence, to avoid any such un-pleasant situation, always make a sample first, say a size of 10 by 10 squares with the actual thread and hook, and get it measured with the gauge. Any variation can immediately be tackled and set right.

The idea here is to work consistently with the specified measurement or gauge of the free pattern; otherwise, you might only be working on a wrong project.

So, even after getting the free filet crochet patterns you should consider certain other points while doing them. Further, make your mind not to work on any of the free crochet patterns in the event of the pattern failing to evince any interest in your mind.


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