Tips on Free Online Crochet Resource

After the advent of Information Technology and Internet, the availability of information has spread its wings to every nook and corner of the world. With its easy access and availability of information on any kind, more and more people are turning to the Internet for solutions to their problems.

With its worldwide acceptance, crocheting also made a solid presence in internet. More and more people are making use of internet for their regular requirement of crochet information and patterns.

The advantage of such online crochet resources are that majority of them are free and you can download them along with the related information such as instructions and diagrams. You can have any number of free crochet patterns to suit to your preference and choice.

Though the free crochet patterns are great and useful, they need not necessarily be good for you to work with, as all the patterns are not made alike. Hence, it is important to consider some factors before choosing free online crochet patterns.

Here is a list of some tips that could assist every crochet maker in their projects:

Get a free pattern that matches your interest, size and skill level .At the outset, decide whether the selected pattern is as per your expectations and match your idea of pattern size in all aspects including your skill level. Though the resources are free, actually you will be wasting your time and energy in downloading unwanted patterns that you may not crochet at all.

Hence, it would be better to zero in to your specific pattern and start working on it.

Get free beginners’ crochet patterns if you are a novice

It will be wasteful exercise if you download patterns that may not match to your skill level. For example, if you are a beginner, any complex patterns may turn out to be a nightmare to you and you may even quit the crochet altogether.Always start with few easy designs initially and learn to move on to more complex designs once you get necessary expertise in crocheting.

Choose a pattern that doesn’t specify any pre-requisites

There are free online crochet patterns that insist on using specified tools and other materials. Though this is not wrong on the part of the provider, there may be a situation that you may not have all the necessary specified tools and the project may turn out to be a failure in the absence of such materials or tools. For example, a typical afghan pattern requires a special “afghan hook,” known as the “double hook needle” and in such case you have to spend a lot of time and energy in search just for procuring the specific needles.

Ensure correct gauge measurement

When you are working on a crochet pattern, be it free or not, it is extremely important to always verify the “gauge” of a particular pattern. The verification with the gauge is still more important if you are working on projects such as slippers, clothes, or booties.

To do this, you must first sew an unattached example similar to the original one and the ideal size would be 10 rows high and at least 20 stitches across. Now measure this with the gauge of the pattern. If there is any discrepancy, the same has to be dealt with change of hooks accordingly.

Before going in for any free patterns, it is better for you to analyse and evaluate the pattern for its suitability in all aspects.


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